
Spring: Season of Thrifting

Spring: Season of Thrifting

When spring and summer roll around, that's kind of my thifting/retro season. There are so many fun retro clothes for warm weather including these old and new pieces I'm wearing. These Perfect Summer Jeans are equally as perfect for spring and I am wearing them and pairing them like crazy already: tees, tanks, sweaters, button-ups, everything. They are definitely old school theme but have a modern sleekness to them. This shirt I picked up last spring at Street Scene Vintage (never lets me down). I enjoyed it all of last summer and wore it for Nashville adventures this past weekend-- vintage is timeless basically. The button down/pop over aspect is so perfect and as with most older clothing, the quality is amazing. . . so I wear it for anything without worry. Annndddd to this awesome hat, I'm totally obsessed. It is full on denim and contributed ever so slightly to my denim addiction. I have put it on with a denim-on-denim-on-denim outfit and it was fab, this outfit, and planning to wear it all summer for all of my whereabouts. I am not even a cap person and it was a little out of my cap price range ($0) but I had to get it, and I am so glad I did. These plain, original Stan Smith sneakers are my go-tos in jeans. They spice up any ole thing, and worked perfectly with this look. I hope you all enjoy this outfit and inspo as much as I do! Details below.

Jeans: The Perfect Summer Jean // Tops: Similar Look // Shoes: Stan Smith // Cap: Denim Baseball Cap